Category: Odoo Modules
New Release – Odoo Website Field AutoComplete
= Odoo Website Field – AutoComplete = [[|LasLabs]] and [[|Odoo Community Association]] have released a new [[|Odoo]] version 9 feature that Adds an AutoComplete field for use in Odoo Website. This module is somewhat difficult to use on its own in an effort to not require any dependencies other than website. == Usage == To…
New Release – Odoo Website CRM ReCaptcha
= Odoo Website CRM ReCaptcha = [[|LasLabs]] and [[|Odoo Community Association]] have released a new [[|Odoo]] version 9 feature that adds a ReCaptcha validation to the Contact form on Website. == Download == ‘website_crm_recaptcha’ is an open source Odoo module licensed under AGPL-3. It is a part of the OCA website package, which can be…
New Release – Odoo Data Slider Snippet
= Odoo Website – Data Slider Snippet = LasLabs has released a new [[|Odoo]] version 9 website snippet that provides a [[|SlickJS]] carousel for any dataset. This module’s primary purpose, and default implementation, is to provide a product slider anywhere on your website. It didn’t make much sense to leave it at such a specific…
New Release – Odoo DarkroomJS Widget
= Odoo Web – DarkroomJS Widget = LasLabs has released a new [[|Odoo]] [[|DarkroomJS]] widget that can be used on any Many2one image field, allowing for easy image manipulation in form views. The Odoo DarkroomJS widget can be found [[|in the LasLabs repo]] or [[|on our GitHub mirror]]. This widget will allow you to perform…
New Release – Odoo Slick Carousel Widget
= Odoo Web – Slick Carousel Widget = LasLabs has released a new Odoo v9 module that provides a Slick Carousel widget to browse One2many image fields. The module can be found [[|on our Github Mirror]] or [[|in the LasLabs Repo]]. This module does not provide functionality to any existing views, but instead provides a widget for…