Tag: RHEL5

  • Install/Configure PPTP Client (RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu)

    Install PPTP Client Ubuntu/Debian {{{ sudo apt-get install pptp-linux }}} RHEL/CentOS/Fedora {{{ sudo yum install pptp }}} Modify chap-secrets `/etc/ppp/chap-secrets` and add the below line (replacing variables) {{{ $USERNAME PPTP $PASSWORD * }}} Create a config file named `vpn.domain.com` in the directory `/etc/ppp/peers`, and add (replacing variables) {{{ pty “pptp $VPN_SERVER –nolaunchpppd” name $USERNAME remotename…

  • Set up Subversion with SSH (svn+ssh)

    [[[TOC]]] =Setup SVN Server= Install Subversion Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora {{{ lang=bash sudo yum install subversion }}} Debian Based (Ubuntu) {{{ lang=bash sudo apt-get install subversion }}} Create a repository {{{ lang=bash sudo mkdir /data01/svn sudo mkdir /data01/svn/repos sudo svnadmin create /data01/svn/repos/new_repo }}} Create an SVN group (add whichever users you would like to it) {{{ lang=bash…