Tag: CentOS

  • Dynamic DNS Using LibCloud – EdgeRouter

    This tutorial is aimed for users with a dynamic IP, and a DNS host that does not support DynDNS. Basically, we will push our new IP every time that it changes. The steps outlined in this tutorial will work with the providers listed in [[https://ci.apache.org/projects/libcloud/docs/dns/supported_providers.html#provider-matrix|Apache’s documentation]], but I have only actually tested with Rackspace. ===…

  • Send Emails From Gmail Through Shell/Script – Linux

    [[[TOC]]] ——- =Intro= Sometimes there is a need to send an email via command line, or in a script (such as using PHP’s `mail()` method); but there is not an MTA (postfix, sendmail, etc) running on the machine. Note that while it is possible to set an MTA up as a gmail smarthost, they will…

  • Configure OpenVPN with X.509 – Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite

    In this tutorial, we will be configuring an OpenVPN server with X.509 certs on a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite. We will also go through how to connect a remote Linux client to the VPN. Below is a physical network diagram: {{{ +——————————–+ | Ubiquiti ERL | (Public IP)| | =============={eth2 eth0}============= | \ / | |…

  • Configure Linux for Active Directory Authentication With SSSD

    In this tutorial, we will configure a Linux box to authenticate against Active Directory. There are a few different methods to go about this, we will use `sssd` because it is recommended by [[https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/SSSD-Introduction.html|Red Hat]] # Remove pam_ldap if it is installed {{{ # Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora yum remove pam_ldap # Debian/Ubuntu apt-get remove pam_ldap }}}…

  • Add EPEL Repository to CentOS

    The [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL|EPEL]] repository contains quite a few useful packages for CentOS. Below are the steps to add this repository to your system: {{{ wget http://mirror.pnl.gov/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm rpm -i epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6 }}}

  • Install/Configure PPTP Client (RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu)

    Install PPTP Client Ubuntu/Debian {{{ sudo apt-get install pptp-linux }}} RHEL/CentOS/Fedora {{{ sudo yum install pptp }}} Modify chap-secrets `/etc/ppp/chap-secrets` and add the below line (replacing variables) {{{ $USERNAME PPTP $PASSWORD * }}} Create a config file named `vpn.domain.com` in the directory `/etc/ppp/peers`, and add (replacing variables) {{{ pty “pptp $VPN_SERVER –nolaunchpppd” name $USERNAME remotename…

  • Set up Subversion with SSH (svn+ssh)

    [[[TOC]]] =Setup SVN Server= Install Subversion Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora {{{ lang=bash sudo yum install subversion }}} Debian Based (Ubuntu) {{{ lang=bash sudo apt-get install subversion }}} Create a repository {{{ lang=bash sudo mkdir /data01/svn sudo mkdir /data01/svn/repos sudo svnadmin create /data01/svn/repos/new_repo }}} Create an SVN group (add whichever users you would like to it) {{{ lang=bash…